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June 04, 2010


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Anthony Del Col

Hi Chris,

Thanks for taking the time to review our first issue! Your points are quite valid and I think that you'll find the issues you address answered in our second third issues. In Issue #2 the story starts to move a lot quicker and we find out more about the characters involved, while Issue #3 (released today) spells the introduction of Falstaff, the great comedic sidekick. He brings the fun into the equation and livens things up quite a bit.


Hi Anthony,

Thank you so much for taking the time to post. It's always great to hear from comic book creators. I try to be fair in my review because I know that it's always a possibility they read what I have to say. I'm glad to hear that future issues of Kill Shakespeare have picked up the pace and balanced the tension with humor. I wish you the best.

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