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August 07, 2009


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C Lue Disharoon

While I like how you are willing to discuss things critically, that is, the bad with the good, overall it's the things that you like about comics and characters that predominates the discussions. A lot of the comics blogs depend on a kind of smart-alecky snarling that focuses on denigrating and name-calling---what you can term, "snark". That's fine. But unabashed enjoyment and celebration of the comics is refreshing. This article, like many, busied my mind with what goes into believable, interesting stories, and it's not just rainbow-type diversity: it's having a sometimes-contrasting range of responses and emotional values at hand in every cast.


Thanks again, C Lue. I'm glad that you appreciate my positive-minded approach to comics. While I won't shy away from criticizing a comic I didn't enjoy, I'd much rather discuss the comics I do enjoy.

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