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August 03, 2007


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Captain Comics Message Board

Columns => Fluit Notes => Topic started by: anacoqui on August 03, 2007, 08:59:37 AM

Title: Trade Paperback Reviews Empire

Post by: anacoqui on August 03, 2007, 08:59:37 AM

Have you read Empire? (http://www.captaincomics.us/Fluit-Notes/Trade-Paperback-Reviews-Empire.html)

Title: Re: Trade Paperback Reviews Empire

Post by: Dagwan on August 03, 2007, 02:54:39 PM

Good article.

One question. Was there a reason you skipped Vol. 1? Have you reviewed it already, and I've forgotten?

Title: Re: Trade Paperback Reviews Empire

Post by: Chris Fluit on August 07, 2007, 02:21:44 PM

I'm not sure if I reviewed the first one or not. If I did, it would be in the "Trade Paperback Reviews" thread and not in one of the columns. I read it a while back and enjoyed it at the time. However, I waited to order these for several more months. That's why I just reviewed trades two through four. Those were the ones that I had read recently. I also skipped the material collected in trades five and six though I have most of those issues as singles.

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